Protein diet for weight loss at home, menu and daily diet

Protein diet products

Nutritionists guarantee: a protein diet to lose weight allows not only to fit in a dress a smaller size, but also to fix the weight. Yes, and you need to endure relatively little - 2 weeks. But the diet also has pitfalls.

How this diet differs from the rest

The medically approved human diet contains 12% protein. This is sufficient for an active life and healthy body work. At least 1 g of "pure" protein must fall per 1 kg of human weight.

Eating a protein diet is based on reducing your intake of carbohydrates and fats. That is,the daily percentage of protein consumed by a person increases.

Proteins take four hours to digest to ensure you feel satisfied during the day. You will not starve to death with this diet.

List of approved products:

  • lean meats (chicken fillets or skinless turkey, veal, rabbit);
  • low-fat milk (as well as vegan milk - say, soy milk);
  • chicken or quail eggs (it is better to use only protein);
  • "Dry" varieties of fish (hake, pollack, cod, carp, pike);
  • seafood (shrimp - yes, crab sticks - no, they are carbohydrates);
  • soy products (tofu cheese, soy meatballs or goulash, sprouted soy salad);
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils);
  • oats, quinoa;
  • vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli;
  • seeds (champion in protein content - pumpkin seeds);
  • nuts.

Bread and flour products, sweets, foods with a high percentage of fat, alcohol, soft drinks are prohibited.

Diet Girl

Protein alternative

The Atkins diet and the Kremlin diet are based on a similar nutritional principle. These diets are also effective (this is confirmed by repeated examples of stars who praise protein nutrition in interviews), but it is difficult to call them healthier. Assessments of people who are losing weight usually end with the words "I couldn't contain myself, I lost weight".

The point is that these diets exclude carbohydrates. And, as these nutrients are needed by the body, the person will constantly dream of sweets, until thoughts of sweets or pies become an obsession.

Ducan's diet is also protein (especially phase 1 - Attack). But in this case, the evaluations warn about possible kidney problems. On this diet, you should never violate your drinking regimen, and if your kidneys have previously given in (sand or stones were found in this organ, a history of "latent" chronic disease), it is best not to take risks and lose weight by another method.

How does this nutrition benefit the body?

Proteins are proteins - they are the "building blocks" with which the human body is built. Digestion converts them into amino acids, without which muscle growth, the correct production of hormones and the liver are impossible. A person who consumes very little protein is faced with chronic fatigue, reduced performance, inability to build beautiful muscle relief when playing sports.

That is, a lot of protein is not only an absence of hunger, but also strength, beauty, health.

Diet professionals

  • Unlike mono-diets, protein nutrition pleaseswith a large list of allowed dishes. And if you compare it with the "hungry" methods of losing weight (for example, with the Japanese or French diet), this food is plentiful and you will not have to fight the appetite that constantly arises.
  • The necessary products are sold in all supermarkets.
  • The body gets used to small portions, so that even after leaving the diet the body will not need a "bowl" of food.
  • You are losing weight not due to the loss of muscle mass, but due to the melting of fat(therefore, a protein diet is suitable not only for women, but also for men).
  • The menu is delicious. Meat and seafood with salads are not unpleasant soups of onion or celery, cooked solid buckwheat and other dubious joys of mono-diets.
  • The result is fixed. If the weight returns, only after 6-8 months.
  • Protein strengthens bones. The protein diet is an effective prevention of osteoporosis.

But don't forget thedrinking regime. The mandatory daily dose of 1. 5-2 liters of water is a guarantee of health, toned skin (even with a loss of 5-6 kg) and healthy kidney function.

Important: In the early days of the diet, the body loses a lot of water (hence the protein regime is called "drying"). Drink a lot to replace moisture loss. However, in the following days, the body needs clean water: the liquid will help to remove the toxins released during the "melting" of the fat reserves.

Disadvantages and contraindications

  • The protein diet is unlikely to be suitable for vegetarians, because it is based on the regular use of animal products. Of course, you can try to escape by eating lots of soy substitutes (vegan sausages and meatballs) and vegetables. But at the same time, there will be no choice in the diet, so it will quickly become boring.
  • This diet is slow. For a week on "protein" you can also lose weight, but that weight will not be corrected. To get a more or less decent result, lose weight after 2 weeks.
  • Thediet is categorically contraindicatedfor people suffering from liver and kidney disease. Also at risk are those who suffer from arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (chronic pancreatitis, dysbiosis, colitis), heart problems (arrhythmia). It is worth abstaining from a protein diet for pregnant women, as well as for lactating women.
  • Although it is believed that this is not a "starvation" diet, it is impossible to eat protein foods "with the belly". That is,still has to limit itself by measuring small portions and refusing excessively abundant snacks.
  • Due to the decrease in the amount of sugar in the diet, a person may face the inability to concentrate on work, reduced work capacity, excessively deteriorated mood. It will be especially difficult for people with mental work.
  • In addition to carbohydrates, this diet is low in fiber. And, by such nutrition, the body will "avenge" constipation. Drinking frequently will help to solve this problem (but instead of tea, help yourself to clean still water). Also, don't ignore fresh herbs, vegetables, bran (add to salads, cottage cheese, buy whole grain bread).

Can a diet with proteins harm?

Yes, if the person gets carried away by giving up carbohydrates completely. True, we put on weight with them, butcarbohydrates are neededfor muscle strengthening, proper cell division of the body, mental activity and the same physical stamina.

In addition, the increase in protein content in thediet causes the appearance of sand and kidney stones, constantly overloading this organ. Therefore, stretching the protein diet (even if you really liked the diet) is not worth it.

By the way: it is believed that if a person plays sports with a protein diet (including strength training), the damage of a large amount of protein will be minimized.

When you start losing weight, remember. . .

  1. Don't be hungry. Hungry - cook! You can have a snack, but - only light vegetables or protein dishes allowed.
  2. Drink with meals. And not 2-3 sips, but up to 2 glasses of water. The liquid will help your stomach deal with heavy meals.
  3. Give up fat(if possible completely). Don't even put oil on the salad.
  4. If you see that you are buying few fruits and vegetables, don't hesitate - addvitamin supplementsto your diet.
  5. Supplement your diet with exercise.This is not only possible, but necessary, because fitness and modeling will speed up the weight loss process.
  6. It is desirable to eat fractionally, dividing the daily food into 6 meals.
  7. You can repeat this diet after 4 months, but better later.
  8. Desired daily caloric value -700 kcal, maximum 1200 kcal. Remember, the daily energy requirement for a small woman and a tall, muscular man is different. If the aforementioned 700-800 kcal is sufficient for the first, then such a diet will "kill" health, its norm is at least 1200 kcal, or even more.
  9. The menu must be balanced: combine plant and animal proteins.

What to cook all week

The simplest menu for a week and 14 days does not require much time on the stove (after all, long cooking is a constant "sample" and an unwavering appetite). Use products with a minimum, or better - zero fat content.

But: it can be difficult to buy diet meals in supermarkets or cafes. So it is better to prepare lunch in advance, at home (in the morning or at night), take it to the office on a tray and heat it up there.

Breakfast: quick ideas

Have breakfast 30 minutes after getting up.

  1. A portion of cottage cheese without honey and sugar. You can make the dish more appetizing with 2-3 tablespoons of berries, a handful of seeds or garlic and herbs. It is not always possible to allow yourself to dry fruits (for example, raisins). But bananas, grapes or honey should not be added to cottage cheese - these products contain a lot of carbohydrates.
  2. Omelet with spinach and / or broccoli.
  3. Mixture of eggs. The recipe for this dish is simple: the eggs are broken in a cold pan, butter is added and the pan is placed on the fire. The eggs are mixed. When they cool, we put the scrambles on a plate and sprinkle with herbs. . . Yes, it's the same omelet, but Gordon Ramsay's! But it is rarely worth cooking, because the recipe contains oil.
  4. Sandwich: A slice of toasted brown bread without oil + cooked chicken breast + a leaf of lettuce.
  5. Chicken (cooked, roasted) + salad of fresh carrots and apples drizzled with lemon juice.
  6. Chicken soup with broccoli.
  7. Oat omelet + sugar-free protein (you can leave 1 yolk for 3 proteins).

To get to lunch, you need amorning snack. The protein diet does not prohibit it.

Allow yourself 2-3 fruits. They will saturate the body with fructose and "fast" carbohydrates, which in the first half of the day will have time to move and will be fully consumed.

But, as the diet is composed of proteins, you should choose snacks that combine: a protein shake, a slice of lean cheese, cooked egg white, a smoothie with soy milk, grated carrots with cream sauce. milk.

Lunch: easy to take

  1. Lentil soup (can cook 2 days, and so that the soup is not boring, the next day it becomes puree and season with light cream).
  2. Steak + vegetable salad (without potatoes and corn).
  3. A serving of whole wheat pasta (or durum wheat pasta) + vegetables + tofu.
  4. Light shrimp salad.
  5. Grilled turkey (fillet) + green salad.
  6. Cooked chicken fillet + portion of mushrooms (cooked without sauce, stew or roasted, even grilled). These dishes can be prepared in double quantities, leaving half for dinner.
  7. Steamed chicken meatballs + rice garnish (max. 5 large spoons).

Some nutritionists also allow salmon fillets to be cooked, but not more than 75 g per serving.

After lunch, theafternoon snackis ​​important (or snack # 2). In that case, try to avoid carbohydrates and fats. Chop with fresh cucumber or 2-3 lettuce leaves.

Nuts are also a great solution. There is a lot of protein in this product (mainly in peanuts, almonds, pistachios), but not less calories, so eat some, but don't get carried away with nuts. The maximum daily dose is 30 g of nuts. It is desirable that this product is neither fried nor salted.

Dinner: Hey, calm down!

  1. Chicken fillet + celery salad (any type).
  2. Falafel + Green Salad. Important: falafel recipes require you to fatten it deeply. But this is not your option, because you are losing weight. Bake chickpea balls in the oven, so that at times it reduces the calorie content of dinner.
  3. Braised rabbit + quinoa garnish.
  4. Mussels cooked in tomato sauce.
  5. Cooked beans + lean steamed fish fillet.
  6. Boiled or canned tuna + a portion of seaweed.
  7. Protein omelet with 3-4 eggs + fresh tomato.
  8. Salad of boiled proteins and fresh vegetables.
  9. Meatballs of cooked meat + a glass of tomato juice.
  10. A portion of cottage cheese casserole (unsweetened, with dried fruit, eggs and 2-3 tablespoons of semolina).
  11. An baked apple with cottage cheese and cinnamon.

You don't have to delay dinner.Finish 3 hours before bedtime.

However, you shouldn't fall asleep either. If you "suck the spoon" before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir, "empty" yogurt, yogurt.

Abandoning the diet

Don't rush to buy sweets and fast food!

First, cook everything the way you used to, but start pouring vegetable oil on salads(sesame, olive). Also pay attention to coconut oil - it can be used to season porridge, and it is also fried in that oil. At the same time, coconut oil saturates the body with vitamins, but contains few calories.

Deliver 100 kcal per dayuntil you return to the "pre-diet" diet. . . However, if you have gained extra weight because of this, you probably have already reviewed it and will not eat like that anymore!

And don't forget to introduce morefiberin the diet (champions in the content of this nutrient - bran, pear, avocado, apple, beet, artichoke, chia seeds). Your task is to quickly clear the "stagnant" intestines.

The experience of those who lost weight (and did not lose weight)

Positive feedback

  • The diet works, the weight is gone.
  • Don't leave the gym.
  • No hunger. She got hungry - she immediately took some protein from the "boxes". If you rushed in and were unable to cook something for yourself a day in advance, snacks for this diet are sold even at gas stations and in small stores close to home (cereal bread, nuts, dried meat snacks, filletsdried fish or squid slices, salted or canned).
  • The experience of losing weight with 100% vegetable protein is described (the base of this diet was composed of lentils, soy meat, in addition to tripling the amount of dairy products).
  • In addition to losing weight, you can gain attractive muscles, develop abs and squat your buttocks.
  • After losing weight, the volume of the waist and hips disappeared, but the bust remained unchanged.

Slimming women also call the protein diet"beauty diet", because during this diet, the appearance of cellulite decreases, the face cools down, the skin stiffens, acne and blackheadsdisappear. Finally, during this period it is especially pleasant and healthy to sleep - and healthy sleep also has a positive effect on appearance.

And "the icing on the cake":Positive feedback on the protein diet - about 95% of the total weight.

Criticisms and illusions destroyed

  • If your store doesn't sell a rabbit, and you rarely buy turkey, you'll have to create the entire menu with chicken. As a result, at the end of the second week, you no longer want to look at that meat.
  • People with high blood pressure increase their high protein.
  • Some people crave sweets all the time.
  • If you get carried away by the diet and restrict it, protein poisoning will begin. This condition can be recognized by thecharacteristic body odor that appeared- it releases acetone from the skin. The smell is gone - we urgently "roll up the fishing rods" and introduce fibers, glucose.
  • If you need to lose weight to the maximum, you need to count calories in a diet, weigh portions.